Case V
Under-play in fourth hand with a large tenace.
Ace of diamonds (turn-up),
Queen, 7 of diamonds,
9, 7 of hearts.
King, knave of clubs, Knave, king, 10 of
Queen, 10 of spades, diamonds,
8 of hearts. Ace, queen of hearts.
Knave of hearts,
King, 10 of hearts,
King, 10 of spades.
Score, three-all. A adopts the trump.
_First Trick._--B leads ace of hearts, C plays the ten, D the eight, and
A the seven.
_Second Trick._--B continues with the queen of hearts, C covers, and
wins with the king, D throws the ten of spades, and A the nine of
_Third Trick._--C leads the left bower, D throws the queen of spades, A
the seven of diamonds, and B refuses to win by playing under with the
ten of diamonds, thereby making a certainty of establishing the euchre
with the tenace of right and king in the fourth and fifth tricks.
Case Vi
Case Iv
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