I was now face to face with the castle moat, which was, indeed, very wide and very deep. Alas! I could not swim, and my chance of escape seemed of a truth hopeless, as, doubtless, it would have been had I not espied a boat tied to the wall by a r... Read more of Crossing The Moat at Math Puzzle.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Case Vii

Refusing to ruff when you hold the high trump.


Queen of clubs (turn-up),
Right, ace of clubs,
King, queen of spades.


Ace, 9 of spades, Knave of spades,
King, queen of diamonds, 8 of clubs,
Knave of hearts. Ace, 9, 8 of hearts.


King, 10, 9 of clubs,
7, 9 of diamonds.

Score, three to one in favor of B and D.

C assists, and A plays alone.

_First Trick._--B leads ace of hearts, D follows with knave, and A ruffs
with queen of clubs.

_Second Trick._--A leads the right, B plays the eight, and D the nine,
of spades.

_Third Trick._--A leads the king of spades, B refuses to ruff, having
the highest trump, thereby euchring A.

The opportunity for this coup of refusing to ruff occurs very

The following coups, which occurred recently in play, serve to show the
possibilities of the game. They are offered here for the inspection of
experienced players only, and not for the emulation of beginners.

Next: Case Viii

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