General Rules
90. Once a trick is complete, turned and quitted, it must not be looked
at (except under Law 82) until the end of the hand.
91. Any player during the play of a trick or after the four cards are
played, and before they are touched for the purpose of gathering them
together, may demand that the cards be placed before their respective
92. If either of the declarer's adversaries, prior to his partner
playing, call attention to the trick, either by saying it is his, or
without being requested so to do, by naming his card or drawing it
towards him, the declarer may require such partner to play his highest
or lowest card of the suit led, or to win or lose the trick.
93. Either of the declarer's adversaries may call his partner's
attention to the fact that he is about to play or lead out of turn; but
if, during the play of a hand, he make any unauthorized reference to
any incident of the play, or of any bid previously made, the declarer
may call a suit from the adversary whose turn it is next to lead.
94. In all cases where a penalty has been incurred the offender is
bound to give reasonable time for the decision of his adversaries.
New Cards
The Revoke
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