The selection of the correct lead in Auction is not attended with so
many difficulties as in Whist, or even in Bridge. In Whist, the
original leader is obliged to begin the play in the dark, the turn-up
constituting his entire knowledge of the strength or weakness of the
other players. In Bridge, the extent of his information is limited to
the inferences that can be drawn from the declaration and the double,
but in Auction every player has made at least one announcement which is
more or less instructive.
When there has been considerable bidding it is frequently possible to
accurately estimate the length and strength of the suit of each player
and the trick-taking value of the balance of his hand. When only one or
two declarations have been made, so much information may not be
obtainable, but even then the leader, from the failure of certain
players to bid, may be able to make deductions of considerable value.
The Auction leader, therefore, must remember the various declarations,
draw both positive and negative inferences therefrom, and whenever it
is not advisable to open his partner's suit or his own, should follow
the old principle which, since the days of Pole, has been applicable to
all games of the Whist family, and realize "'Tis seldom wrong to lead
up to the weak and through the strong."
The original opening is materially varied by the character of the final
declaration, the system of leading against a No-trump being quite
different from that employed when a suit is Trump.
How To Lead Against A No-trump
What To Do When The Partner Is Doubled
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