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Leads Out Of Turn

76. If either of the declarer's adversaries lead out of turn the
declarer may either treat the card so led as an exposed card or may
call a suit as soon as it is the turn of either adversary to lead.

77. If the declarer lead out of turn, either from his own hand or from
dummy, he incurs no penalty; but he may not rectify the error after the
second hand has played.

78. If any player lead out of turn and the three others follow, the
trick is complete and the error cannot be rectified; but if only the
second, or second and third play to the false lead, their cards may be
taken back; there is no penalty against any except the original
offender, who, if he be one of the declarer's adversaries, may be
penalized as provided in Law 76.

79. If a player called on to lead a suit has none of it, the penalty is

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