1340. If the right cheek burns, some one is speaking well of you; if the left, they are speaking ill of you; if both, they speak well and ill at once. Moisten the finger in the mouth and touch it to the cheek, naming those whom you suspect; ... Read more of Bodily Affections at Superstitions.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Mixed Loo

This is played on the same lines as the unlimited variation, except that
a limit is fixed, beyond which the loo does not go. For instance, suppose
the original stakes to be 3d. for a deal, and 6d. for a loo--limited to
2s. 6d., a player would be looed the amount in the pool, up to the
limit, but if the amount exceeded the 2s. 6d., he would not be called
upon for a larger sum.

Next: Five-card Loo

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