Lay me down beneaf de willers in de grass, Whah de branch'll go a-singin' as it pass An' w'en I's a-layin' low, I kin hyeah it as it go Singin', "Sleep, my honey, tek yo' res' at las'." Lay me nigh to whah hit meks a little pool, An' d... Read more of A Death Song at Martin Luther King.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Playing Alone

93. A player may play alone when he orders up, assists, adopts, or makes
the trump, or when his partner does so, provided that he himself has not
already passed.

94. If a player declares to play alone, his partner may take it from
him, subject to the previous rule; in which case the form of declaration
must be, "I take it from you."

95. A player cannot play alone when he or his partner is ordered up, or
when his adversaries adopt or make the trump, or if before making his
declaration he exposes a card.

96. The dealer must announce his intention to play alone before quitting
his discard.

97. A player must announce his intention to play alone before naming the
trump, otherwise he can be required to play the hand with his partner.

98. In all cases a single declaration must be made. It is not permitted
to say, "I order it up and play it alone," or "I make it hearts and play
it alone." The declaration must be, "I play alone at hearts," or, "Alone
at hearts." Any other declaration precludes a lone hand.

99. Should the partner of the player playing alone offer to take it
from him after a lead has been made, or after he has himself passed,
neither can play alone.

100. Should a player announce that he will play alone, and his partner
play upon the first lead, the player loses his right to play the hand
alone, and must play it with his partner, unless his adversaries elect
that he play it alone.

101. Should a player announce that he will play alone, his partner must
place his own cards on the table face downwards, and not again take them
up. He shall have the right to gather and quit his partner's tricks, and
his action is binding on his partner.

102. Should a player expose the face of any of his cards, his partner
can score only two points, should he take every trick; but in case of a
euchre the adversaries score four.

103. After the partner of the lone player has placed his hand on the
table, either adversary may count the hand, to see if it contains more
or less than five cards.

104. A player playing alone is liable to no penalty for simply exposing
a card; but should he lead out of turn, the card is an exposed card, and
can be called.

105. Should an adversary play out of turn to the lead of a lone hand,
both opposing hands must be laid on the table, and can be called by the
player playing alone.

Next: Etiquette Of Euchre

Previous: The Trump Card

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