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Second Hand Declarations

The Second Hand bids under two totally dissimilar conditions. The
Dealer of necessity has declared and, either by a call of one Spade,
shown comparative weakness, or, by an offensive declaration, given
evidence of strength.

It is obvious that whether the Dealer be strong or weak materially
affects the question of how the Second Hand should bid, as it makes
quite a variation in the number of tricks he has the right to expect to
find in his partner's hand. This, however, is not the only, and,
possibly, not the most important difference.

When the Dealer has called one Spade, it is practically certain, should
the Second Hand pass, that he will have another opportunity to enter
the bidding. When, however, the Dealer has declared a suit or No-trump,
it is possible, if the Second Hand fail to declare, that no other bid
will be made, and the declaration of the Dealer will stand.

It is, therefore, readily seen that, in the first case, the Second Hand
is making an initial declaration; in the other, a forced bid.

Next: Bidding Over One Spade

Previous: Hands In Which A Trump Declaration Is Doubtful

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