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The Revoke

83. A revoke occurs when a player, other than dummy, holding one or
more cards of the suit led, plays a card of a different suit. It
becomes an established revoke if the trick in which it occurs is turned
and quitted by the rightful winners (i.e., the hand removed from
the trick after it has been turned face downward on the table); or if
either the revoking player or his partner, whether in turn or
otherwise, lead or play to the following trick.

84. The penalty for each established revoke is:--

(a) When the declarer revokes, his adversaries add 150 points to
their score in the honor column, in addition to any penalty which
he may have incurred for not making good his declaration.

(b) If either of the adversaries revoke, the declarer may either
add 150 points to his score in the honor column, or may take three
tricks from his opponents and add them to his own. Such tricks may
assist the declarer to make good his declaration, but shall not
entitle him to score any bonus in the honor column, in the case of
the declaration having been doubled or re-doubled.

(c) When more than one revoke is made by the same side during the
play of the hand the penalty for each revoke after the first, shall
be 100 points in the honor column.

A revoking side cannot score, except for honors or chicane.

85. A player may ask his partner if he has a card of the suit which he
has renounced; should the question be asked before the trick is turned
and quitted, subsequent turning and quitting does not establish a
revoke, and the error may be corrected unless the question is answered
in the negative, or unless the revoking player or his partner has led
or played to the following trick.

86. If a player correct his mistake in time to save a revoke, any
player or players who have followed him may withdraw their cards and
substitute others, and the cards so withdrawn are not exposed. If the
player in fault is one of the declarer's adversaries, the card played
in error is exposed and the declarer may call it whenever he pleases;
or he may require the offender to play his highest or lowest card of
the suit to the trick, but this penalty cannot be exacted from the

87. At the end of a hand the claimants of a revoke may search all the
tricks. If the cards have been mixed the claim may be urged and proved
if possible; but no proof is necessary and the claim is established if,
after it has been made, the accused player or his partner mix the cards
before they have been sufficiently examined by the adversaries.

88. A revoke must be claimed before the cards have been cut for the
following deal.

89. Should both sides revoke, the only score permitted shall be for
honors in trumps or chicane. If one side revoke more than once, the
penalty of 100 points for each extra revoke shall then be scored by the
other side.

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