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The Sultan


Two Entire Packs of Cards
The foundations must follow suit.
Withdraw from the pack and place the eight kings and one ace of hearts as in tableau.
The centre king of hearts is called the Sultan, and remains alone. The other seven kings, with the ace of hearts, form the foundation cards. Each of these seven kings begins with ace, and ascends in sequence to queen. The ace of hearts ascends in the same manner, so that all the eight packets surrounding the Sultan end with queens.
You next deal out eight cards, four on either side (see tableau). These constitute the Divan. From this Divan you can play any suitable cards on the foundations, and, having done so, proceed to deal out the remainder of the pack, turning the cards one by one, those that are not suitable for the foundations being laid aside in one packet, forming the talon. Vacancies in the Divan must be immediately refilled from the talon, or, when there is no talon, from the pack.
The talon may be taken up, shuffled, and re-dealt, if necessary, twice.

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