When One Heart Or One Royal Has Been Declared
When the Dealer bids one Heart or one Royal, the Third Hand should not
overbid unless without strength in the declaration. By this is meant
not only the absence of high cards, but also the absence of length.
With four small Hearts or Spades, and that suit bid by the Dealer, it
is almost invariably the part of wisdom to allow it to remain.
The Third Hand should bid one Royal over one Heart, or two Hearts over
one Royal with strength sufficient to justify an original call in that
suit, and distinct weakness in the partner's declaration. The theory is
that the Third Hand knows he cannot help his partner's declaration,
while it is possible his partner may help him.
When the Third Hand has such strength in Hearts or Royals that he would
advance his partner's declaration of either, in the event of an adverse
bid, it is wise for him to bid two on the first round, in order, if
possible, to shut out such adverse declaration and the information
thereby given to the leader.
The Third Hand should call two Diamonds or Clubs over one Heart or
Royal when he holds a long and practically solid suit. The original
bidder can then use his judgment whether to let this declaration stand,
continue his own, or try two No-trumps.
With a score, two Clubs or Diamonds may be bid more freely over the
partner's Heart or Royal.
The Third Hand should not bid a No-trump over the Dealer's Heart or
Royal, unless he have the three remaining suits safely stopped, or his
hand contain solid Diamonds or Clubs, and one other suit stopped.
When Two Hearts Or Two Royals Has Been Declared
When Two Diamonds Or Two Clubs Has Been Declared
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